C programming

C is considered a revolutionary language in the history of programming. It is one of the most basic and popular programming languages and it is widely used in different fields.
By Tirana ICT Academya


C programming is also considered as a foundation language and is referred for most of the computer science courses with other programming languages like Java and Python. C is the core language and is the language with which most coders start their coding journey. C programming language forms the core of most android devices and also powers internet servers.

C is one of the ideal languages and kids can easily understand the basics of c programming if approached in the right manner. In this blog, we will be exploring C programming. We will also understand why c programming for kids is important and explore some basic terms related to it.

By the end of the course children will be able to recognize:

  • Variables / their types
  • Input / output streams and data validation
  • Operators – arithmetic, assignment, logical, bitwise
  • Control structures like if / else / switch
  • One / multidimensional vectors
  • Cycle si – for / while / do-while
  • Functions, Overloading Functions
  • Structures
  • Classes
  • Objects

Platforms used: DEV C ++


Length: 3-4 Months


Learning Type: Instructor Led


Level: Beginner


Achievements: Certification Aligned


Length: 3-4 Months


Level: Beginner


Learning Type: Instructor Led


Achievements: Certification Aligned